
Zion Part II – 3 Years Later

I think it’s safe to say that Zion is one of our favorite places! So when Dave suggested we head out there for the weekend, the answer was a no brainer. And while we were there, he also asked me another question that was a no brainer 🙂 

If you followed our move, you know that this is a repeat stop for us! Zion National Park near Springdale, UT is someplace I would encourage everyone to go at some point in their lives. We dropped Luna off at a sketchy doggie daycare (cue my anxiety) and went on our merry way. Dave was able to secure a last-minute camping spot in the Watchmen Campground, and took the shuttle in to the park to get in some hiking.

You can read the story more in-depth here, but we decided to do three hikes while we were there:

  • The Narrows
  • Observation Point
  • Angel’s Landing (yes, I volunteered to do it again. sort of)

After duking it out the in Zion Adventure Shop, I won and we did Observation Point our first night. Excuse me for wanting to live 😉 . This day also happened to be the 2-year anniversary of the passing of Dave’s little sister and most amazing person in the world, Missy. In her memory, we wore her orange bandanas to the top, and felt a little closer to her both physically and spiritually! She helped us out a lot this weekend…

Somewhere not even close to the top.

Ahhh don’t fall.

We barely made it down the mountain in time to take the last shuttle out of the park to get back to our campsite. We woke up super early the next morning to tackle The Narrows and Angels Landing, oh yeah, and then drive 6 hours home. Are we nuts? Yup.

The Narrows is a water canyon hike. This was a first for us, as we didn’t do this on our first trip. I am sorry that we did not have more time to explore, as this is probably one of the most fun hikes we’ve done. Well, for me. Dave was super nervous knowing what was to come later this day. And little did I know there was a diamond ring triple-bagged somewhere in his backpack.

And last but not least was Angel’s Landing – Part II.

“Let’s just run up, and run back down.” – Famous last words from Dave Demuth

I was grumpy the whole way up. But we were constantly followed by yellow butterflies. Every time I wanted to stop or turn around, there she would fly by. And I only cried once. OK, twice. For those of you who don’t know… butterflies are Missy! Every time you see one, there she is… just making sure you are OK or coming by to laugh at you.

We got to the top… and long story short… BOOM. We’re engaged!

We floated down the mountain we were so excited. I don’t remember it being that easy the first time. So excited to embark on all of our new adventures ahead!

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