What Have We Been Up To? Part II


Dave & Laura’s Adventure… back by popular demand! We have taken a ~1 year hiatus from blogging due to being busy and hmmm… perhaps a bit lazy! Be prepared for an onslaught of new blog posts coming soon, but here are some little tidbits of things that we did this year.

We have been taking advantage of the professional sports scene in San Diego!

At the Padres game, we traded our shady seats with an older gentleman and his son, and ended up with their season tickets were in the sun. Little did we know that they have been season ticket holders since the 70’s, and we ended up right behind the dugout! This day only got better as there was a free post-game show by none other than Nelly. Success!

Since it is unclear of the future of the Chargers beyond next year, we wanted to make sure we hit at least one Chargers game per year! This year, we went with the full tailgate experience at the game vs the Kansas City Chiefs.


Carlsbad State Beach

Carlsbad State Beach

We have been beachin’ it! One thing I told myself when I moved to California was that I would never take living by the beach for granted. I wanted to look at the ocean every day and appreciate every moment. We are fortunate enough to live steps away from the beach, and try to go as much as we can! While I have not worked up the courage to try surfing yet, Dave is an avid surfer when he has the time! We enjoy heading to the beach to whale watch, especially November – April, when the whales are migrating. I also *love* to look for sea glass, so “walking” on the beach for me generally means staring at the ground looking for little bits of green and brown sea glass.


We celebrated an early Christmas in Carlsbad! We traveled back to the east coast for Christmas and a wedding in January, but wanted to make sure we celebrated a bit in Carlsbad, too! Jessica and D. Bell traveled down from LA for a weekend before we left so that we could do our annual Christmas traditions, such as cookie decorating contest, Christmas on the beach and cooking a meal for 10 when there is only 4 people. As for the family picture, well, who needs self-timer when you have FaceTime? Photo cred: Julia & Jordy Baird!

We put up a (real) Christmas tree in our place in Carlsbad, which we picked out from a lot in the village. Back in NY, my tradition with my family is to have Christmas Tree Day, where we all head out to a Christmas tree farm and pick out our trees together. Trees in NY… approx $40-$60? Trees in southern California driven down daily from Oregon… $200! Insert scream face emoji here.


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I got a new job! I will be forever grateful for the job that allowed me to move to California, but I must be honest in saying that it was not my favorite job! So, last spring I started the job search again. I came across many openings, but none quite like PocketDerm (now Curology). We are a telemedicine dermatology practice! What that means is that I see patents 100% online, and am licensed to practice in 13 states. We custom compound topical medications for acne and anti-aging in our lab here in San Diego and ship them directly to patients. The flexibility to travel and work from home has been amazing, but I also have never worked so hard in my life! As a tech start-up, the culture of the practice is quite different than anything I have been used to, and I am enjoying the ride of helping this revolutionary company grow! You can check us out here: Curology Free Trial Month


We’ve been fixing up the place! We turned a red room in to a gray room and a brown room in to a blue room. The deck that once was covered in a set of table and chairs that one would need a tetanus shot after sitting in, now looks like a page in a Target catalog (check out that good looking Target model up there 🙂 ). I have a lot of vision when it comes to home improvement projects, but not a lot of insight as to how to actually get them done. So basically I blurt things out that I want to do, or peruse Pinterest for things I would like to try, and Dave will come up with a plan to make it happen! Thanks, Dave!


Surprise, surprise… we went to more weddings! We have spent a lot of time traveling back to NY, DC and also Florida (see Amandrew post to come!) to attend weddings of friends. This year, we have only gone to one wedding, and no more in sight!

Welcome back… stay tuned for more adventures!

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