Welcome to Carlsbad


After 10 days… 4047 miles… 18 states… 7 bags of Smartfood popcorn… and countless laughs, we have made it to Carlsbad!

Just in time to take in the amazing sunset… which is one of our favorite things to do. Watching the sunset is one of the very first memories I have of us since my first trip out here, and I secretly couldn’t wait to be back so we could do that again!

Before running down to the beach with some cold beers to catch the sunset, we stopped at Dave’s house only to find we were locked out! This required a carefully calculated window break-in on Dave’s part. Just another fun memory of the trip!

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This trip has been amazing and I was sad that it was coming to an end, but it is time to continue Dave and Laura’s adventure in Carlsbad! So many great memories have been made from all of our adventures along the way.

Thanks to all who read along with the blog. Thank you to all the family and friends who were kind enough to let us stay with them… and thanks to all who came out to see us! So grateful for all of you. Now it’s time to see all of your faces on the west coast!

Stay tuned… the adventure doesn’t end here! Check back to see what we’re up to 🙂

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