Vegas Baby


From the canyon, we headed to Las Vegas. After all the sight-seeing, we were ready to dive into the Vegas nightlife and find a blackjack table.

We were fortunate to catch the sun fall below the mountains from the car as we headed into Nevada.


Laura is now an expert at taking photos from fast-moving cars. Es muy bueno! (Okay, so we had a lot of car time to talk in southern draws and Spanish/Spanglish)

About that nightlife and gambling thing…we were kind of lame when it comes to Vegas and didn’t do any gambling. Big time fail. We were so tired by the time we arrived. We did manage to venture out for a walk in the 90 degree late night temperature. Laura had been insisting that we try to catch the water show at the Bellagio. And of course, the timing was perfect. As we approached the Bellagio, it appeared the show was about to begin.

I was able to capture a few pictures before realizing how cool it was that the water was synced to the music and that I should be capturing this via video. Check it out below!

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I didn’t realize how cool water being tossed into the air could be but have to admit it was pretty awesome. But I think what made it special was the lady on my shoulder…

The next day, before leaving our last stop and heading to Carlsbad, we had to get some food. On the way in the night before, Laura had spotted Serendipity3. I guess it’s well known? When she mentioned something about frozen hot chocolate, I was all in.

But first, we had to decide what to order.



Double Frozen Hot Chocolate was a good choice


By the end of the long trip, we were both worn out and I think a little anxious to get to Carlsbad. Even though Laura got some shopping in, I think we’ll both be back to watch me make a mess of the blackjack table and to experience Vegas to the fullest. It’s only a ‘short’ 4.5 hour drive!

One thought on “Vegas Baby

  1. Megan Orsini says:

    Hey guys,

    Wanted to let you know I’ve been silently stalking your trip blog for weeks now! Loving all the posts and pics. What an amazing adventure!

    Cheers to a lifetime filled with endless adventures!


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