Is That A Tornado?


Short answer: yes.

As we began traveling through Kansas and the wide open plains, what came to mind was tornadoes! I said to Dave that I wished we could see a funnel cloud. Naturally, I meant miles and miles away where it could never hurt us! But how cool would that be? We decided to do a quick pit-stop at McDonald’s (Woof. The first and only fast food of the trip) and as we come outside, we see darkness in the distance. Rainstorm? It wouldn’t be the first time we encountered one of these on our drive. As soon as we get in the car and start driving, the radio cuts out and the National Weather Service comes on and says there has been a tornado spotted touching down in St. Francis, KS!

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Where the heck is that in relation to where we are? Thanks to modern day technology of the iPhone and Google Maps, Dave was able to determine that we were actually quite close. He then looks at me and says “Looks like you got your wish!”. I was in utter disbelief. What were the chances that this was the tornado in front of us? Our answer became much clearer as we drove closer to the storm. It is hard to describe the color of the sky or the feel that was in the air. The pictures and videos do not do it justice. Luckily, this puppy was only moving at 10mph so the Acura was able to outrun it! No, there was no flying debris or cows in the air, as seen in the ever-so-popular 1996 hit Twister, but it certainly was an adventure we won’t forget!

One thought on “Is That A Tornado?

  1. JULIA says:

    I am just getting to see the rest of your trip. This is crazy! So glad you captured such awesome pics, oh and that you survived!!!

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