
The Garrisons Do Carlsbad


After a courageous maiden voyage on a Southwest flight from Albany –> Baltimore, Paul & Gayle finally made it over to the west coast. Of course, accompanied by Holly & AJ for moral support.

The Garrisons have had quite a year. 2 engagements in one weekend… WHAT? So Garrison Party of 4 now turns in to Garrison Party of 6 in 2018!

We had a fun-filled week with exploring Carlsbad, running from rhinos in the San Diego Zoo and touring the USS Midway.

We also threw Gayle a “surprise” beach BBQ for her milestone bday, and en route to the beach, the “5” balloon flew away. I won’t name names, or point fingers (Holly).

So awesome to have the whole fam in town, and (gasp) dare I say… they might be back?

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