The Boys Are In Town

My friends came to Carlsbad for a long weekend. I went to high school with both Joe and Ace. It was great to reunite in Carlsbad and have them hang out with Laura.

Joe, Me, Ace

Joe, Me, Ace

We showed Joe and Ace around town and stopping at one of our favorite places, Sunset Cliffs. (Because Laura likes sunsets..)


On the last night in town, we sped over to K1 Speed Racetrack here in Carlsbad.  Go karts! Laura was tentative since go-karts aren’t her thing. Plus, competing with 3 crazy dudes who incorporate bumper cars into go-karting can be scary. Laura sucked it up though and the 4 of us had the track all to ourselves! And we didn’t even bump her off the course. Unfortunately, no pictures with our racing helmets. Round 2 next time.

It’s always nice catching up and hanging out with old friends! Glad they could make it out to visit and hang out with Laura and I. See you dudes soon!



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