Turtle Love

Turtle Love

When on the west coast, we aren’t as close (location wise, people) with friends and family that we grew up with. Fortunately, my sister Jessica lives just up the road in Los Angeles, about a 90 mile trip. It was her birthday weekend and she randomly picked the US Sumo Wrestling Championship as something to do with friends. Talk about a new adventure!


Turns out, about ~20 other people wanted in on this birthday party sumo event. And of course, the only way to include everyone was reserve a ‘party bus’. I think someone put in a special request for the neon lighting and pole in the middle. Or maybe that is standard these days? Who cares! Party time.

Party Bus

Did I mention that Jessica also thought it was brilliant to make it an animal theme event? Tshirt, pants, costume…anything goes!

Two Turtles, Pizza, and...Jessica..

Two Turtles, Pizza, and…Jessica..

While we probably didn’t need anymore drinks, the party continued afterwards at a friend’s house. When we couldn’t hang anymore, it was time to call it night – back to Jessica’s place! I guess since our last meal (couple pizza slices) was at noon, a much needed food stop was in order.

“There’s a Wendy’s!”

Really, Wendy’s!? Yes, $28 dollars worth. Okay, there was 4 of us…but it was worth every penny, chicken nugget, and frosty!


Wendy's Order

By the way, we(Jessica, her boyfriend Dbell, Laura, me) were all safe and introduced Laura to Uber, a public transportation system that is better than taxis. If you haven’t heard of it, sign up, download the app, and get a free ride on us!

We had a blast meeting new people and experiencing LA. Glad I got to share this experience with miss Laura!

P.S. It wasn’t my suggestion to match shirts. Know that.

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