Pismo Beach Camping


So a couple of weekends ago we had the opportunity to go camping about 4 hours north of Carlsbad in a place called Pismo Beach with friends Chip and Katie. The weekend was full of s’mores, seashells and shuffleboard… and of course sunsets!


And you all thought our days of crazy road tripping were behind us! Unfortunately traffic on a Friday night is not so forgiving in southern California. What do we do to pass the time? Hmm how about a FaceTime date with Julia in Connecticut?! Love you 😉


When we finally arrived at our destination, there was a campfire, s’mores and beers waiting for us! And it was so nice to get out of the 100 degree weather… first time in a sweatshirt and sweatpants in months! Felt great.

Chip and Katie have an RV up in Pismo Beach that we had the opportunity to stay in! All the comforts of home… even a hot breakfast in the morning and coffee over the campfire.

We walked around the town of Pismo Beach on Saturday. They have a great ocean pier there, and all of the sand-dollars you could ever hope to find on the beach! I was pretty excited because I have never found one before. Pretty much the highlight of my day! Except there was also this great place called Chipwrecked which was amazing home made kettle chips with any toppings or dipping sauces you could ask for! Oh except for cheddar beer sauce because they apparently were out that day! Sad face for Dave and Laura because that clearly was our first choice.



So we went with your basic sea salt chips with bacon and blue cheese dip and… cheesecake dip?! Yup… sounds weird but trust us it was pretty amazing.


We did some more wandering before making it back to the RV park for a rousing game of shuffleboard. We were all newbies to this sport. Despite its reputation for being an old person’s form of recreation, it actually was really fun, and Dave and I kicked ass… 🙂 what can I say? We make a good team!



Shuffleboard champs!

Shuffleboard champs! And new koozies to add to the collection… thanks Pismo General Store!

Chip, Katie, Laura & Dave

Chip, Katie, Laura & Dave

Because you all know that we are huge sunset fans, we could not resist the opportunity to enjoy and capture the beautiful sunset that night!

Pismo sunset

Pismo sunset


Hashtag no filter. One thing I've learned is not to stop watching after the sun disappears... the best part comes when the sun is out of sight, and the clouds illuminate

Hashtag no filter. One thing I’ve learned is not to stop watching after the sun disappears… the best part comes when the sun is out of sight, and the clouds illuminate. Love this reflection in the water as well.

On our way home, we took a coastal scenic route. Stopped for a quick pic in Malibu…




Roadkill. I tried to capture the beautiful scene that was in front of us, and oops… there was a dead animal too.

We made it home safe and sound, and had another great weekend in the books. Thanks Chip and Katie for inviting us!





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