Oh Hi, Ohio

Welcome to Ohio! Photo cred: Dave Demuth, best passenger ever

Welcome to Ohio! Photo cred: Dave Demuth, best passenger ever

Welcome to Genoa! Again, photo cred: Dave Demuth. You're amazing.

Welcome to Genoa! Again, photo cred: Dave Demuth. You’re amazing.

Read more about the amazing place that is Genoa, OH!

Of the countless times that we have outlined the details of our trip to family and friends, everyone was always confused about our detour up to Ohio! While it certainly was not on any direct route, I wanted to stop and see my friend Jodi, who moved to Ohio in January with her fiancee, Joe, and family. They have a beautiful new home and one of the cutest babies in the world… Luke!

Jodi and I met when were new nurses fresh out of school together in 2009… we clicked and became best friends! We went to graduate school together and are now both nurse practitioners. We have gotten each other through the last several years by discussing our nursing things that most of the general public would find absolutely disgusting over pizza fries from Graney’s in Albany, NY, and ice cold Blue Moons (or “Moons that are blue” as we refer to them!)… so it was only fitting that Jodi would have Blue Moons ready to go for us upon arrival!

Moons that are Blue

Moons that are Blue

So… as you have seen, Dave rocked the bow and arrow like a champ. And then Joe thought it would be a good idea if I gave it a try… haaaaaaaaa. Let’s see how that turned out:

… So I missed the target completely. Twice. But it was fun to try something new!

Jodi and Joe, it was so fun to see you. I’m glad we got the chance to see your new home! Can’t wait to be a part of your wedding next year! Thanks so much for everything. Love you!

The Genoa Crew

The Genoa Crew

….Oh and you thought I wouldn’t post these gems… suckas!

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