

Last weekend we had the opportunity to travel back to NY to be a part of Melissa and Brian’s Brant Lake Wedding!

And we *almost* didn’t make it! Our flight was delayed leaving San Diego into Vegas… and we were going to miss our connecting flight to Albany! If we did, we wouldn’t have gotten into Albany until late Friday night ๐Ÿ™ But thank God I have the best travel buddy ever… who was able to get us switched to an earlier flight and make it to NY on time! And thanks for not making too much fun of me with my lime green suitcase! Oh and thanks to Holly Garrison for doing the 1am airport pick up from Saratoga to Albany! You’re the best ๐Ÿ™‚

Hello Albany!

Hello Albany!

Melissa is one of my oldest and best friends! We go all the way back to the days of Girl Scout Camp! I was so honored to be asked to be a part of her wedding. I couldn’t picture a better guy for her ๐Ÿ™‚ Brian is awesome! They also make really cute babies… as evidenced by little Landon, who was almost the star of the show, second only to his beautiful mom!

Emily, Karen, Melissa and I

Emily, Karen, Melissa and I

Melissa picked a beautiful Adirondack setting: Jimbo’s Club at the Pointe. The weather was absolutely beautiful. Both after the rehearsal dinner and the wedding, there was an awesome bonfire! Dave and I had been excited to hang out in the Adirondacks. Oceans area awesome but lakes are pretty awesome too!


Melissa did an amazing job planning this wedding. Every little detail was perfect! From the flowers, to the cake to the table decorations… it was a dream Adirondack wedding!

Myself and the beautiful bride!

Myself and the beautiful bride!

And look at how beautiful she is! Could not even hold back the tears when this beautiful one walked down the aisle with her father! The ceremony was performed by a high school friend of the bride and groom, and Landy make is way down the aisle carrying a “Daddy, Here Comes Our Girl!” sign. The bride and groom thoroughly impressed us with their dancing skills to Lee Brice’s “I Don’t Dance”… au contraire, Mel & Bri, au contraire! Karen also gave an amazing matron of honor speech!


We snuck out to take the obligatory wedding-by-the-lake selfie! Ain’t no shame in our game! We clean up nice ๐Ÿ˜‰ So happy to have this guy by my side!


We had such a blast at your wedding, Melissa and Brian! And we loved hanging out with all of you crazy kids pictured above. Enjoy your honeymoon, and I can’t until we see you again! (Actually, it’s really Landy we want to hang out with… no biggie…)

Get yourselves out to California soon please!



6 thoughts on “#NosalPartyof3

  1. Karen says:

    This was so sweet! I’m glad you and Dave were able to make it out here for this special occasion and I can’t wait til we see you again!! Love you

    1. Laura Laura says:

      So happy we were able to come! love you

  2. Mel Bri & Landy says:

    Laur and Dave!!!! It just so happened that it’s 4:30 in the morning and I couldn’t sleep, so I went on to check my email. To my surprise I saw a notification from you to check this page out. This was one of the sweetest things I have ever read!! I have tears in my eyes..What an absolutely sweet and wonderful thing to find at this moment! I feel so blessed to have you guys in our lives! I really want to wake Brian up so he can read it too, but Ill try to wait another two hours until he has to go to work :). Thank you guys so much for that incredible documentation of our wedding weekend. It means so much to me!! I can’t believe it’s already over and that you guys are back in Cali. We miss you so much already! But now I can look back at the memories through your journal entry. You guys are the best! Thank you so so much! We love and miss you tons. We WILL be seeing you in Cali soon! Xoxoxo

    1. Laura Laura says:

      Love you so much mel! so happy that we were able to come and be part of your day! you two are amazing… oh and landy too ๐Ÿ™‚ miss you!

  3. Mel Bri & Landy says:

    P.s. Landy really wants to hang out with you too…he told me to book the flights already

  4. Megan Orsini says:

    Loving the Cali girl blonde!

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