New House, New Milford, New Adventure


First house guests at the Heacock-Crossbrook road!

When moving west, who travels east first? That was my sarcastic-but-serious question when initial plans began developing for our cross-country route. I couldn’t be more happy that we made it happen and came east to New Milford, Connecticut. A quick two hour plus drive for the first leg of our trip – back roading it up!

A little time on the Taconic parkway before hitting all the back roads in Connecticut. Thankfully, Laura was able to snap this little gem on our first detour:

In the back roads of Connecticut. (actually, our first detour of the trip

In the back roads of Connecticut. (actually, our first detour of the trip

My sister Julia and her husband Jay just started their own new adventure in Connecticut. They closed on their new house on Friday and we stormed in Sunday evening. While stuffed moving boxes crowded the kitchen and garage, the beers were cold and pool table was all ready. Okay, so maybe they had the most comfortable living room furniture set up too.

Regardless, I’m so happy for them to start fresh in a new spot and continue their journey. Laura and I are grateful they let us crash in and blow out the next day. So pumped we got to see their new places before being 3000 miles away. We’ll be back!

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