Holly Came to Town


Holly came to visit us in April and we had a blast! She was my first visitor since moving here 8 months ago so I was so excited to show her why I love it here.

She got in late on a Thursday night, and I had to work on Friday. So she entertained herself at Tamarack State Beach, which happens to be across the street from me. After work, she and I hit up a local wine bar called Relm before meeting Dave and his fellow lacrosse coaches at Pizza Port, which is a great pizza and brewing joint here in Carlsbad. Holly also was told by some friends back home that she ought to check it out. On a side note, San Diego County has been called “the Craft Beer Capital of America”. The county is home to more than 100 breweries, microbreweries, and brewpubs. Based on 2014 sales volume, four San Diego County breweries rank among the 50 largest craft brewers in the United States. So naturally, Holly wanted to check some out. Pic below a little hard to see. iPhone probs.

Holly and the lax coaches

Holly and the lax coaches

Saturday morning we got up and did a kayak tour of the La Jolla Sea Caves. This is something I’ve been wanting to do since moving here and what a perfect time to show Holly an adventure! The area is home to lots of wildlife, such as California’s state fish called the garabaldi, as well as sea lions and pelicans. Sorry, no pics in the water but we did manage to have our tour guide Milton snap this one of us after returning from the trip. Holly’s highlight of the kayak tour was “kayak surfing” on our way back in to shore.

La Jolla Kayak Tour

La Jolla Kayak Tour

The Daily News cafe

The Daily News cafe

Holly had a fun time wandering around Carlsbad. She really wanted her pic taken in this telephone booth… OK, Holly, here ya go 🙂

Easter Sunday was that weekend as well. Usually at home, Holly and I would be with our family, opening Easter baskets and having ham dinner, but instead we decided to celebrate our proximity to Mexico by doing make-your-own tacos and margaritas!

Easter... Cali-style

Easter… Cali-style

OK Laura... just sit down so we can eat.

OK Laura… just sit down so we can eat.

The Easter Bunny did find Holly, Dave and Scott in California, however! And he brought a special treat in Dave’s basket……. BEER MUSTACHES!

Way to go, EB

Way to go, EB

I also took Holly to Torrey Pines to do one of the best hikes in the county with the best views. It’s a great group of trails leading from desert terrain right up to the ocean.

Torrey Pines selfie

Torrey Pines selfie

We took Holly to check out another well-known San Diego brewery, Stone Brewing Company. A favorite spot of both Dave and I, we were happy to share the Stone Brewery experience with Holly. It’s like sipping on craft brew in the woods! And also enjoying some delicious pretzels, yum!

Stone Brewing

Stone Brewing


Thanks for coming to visit, Holly! It was so great to have you here! Come back soon!

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