Holly & AJ in the C-Bad

Another overdue post! We had a couple of visitors in Carlsbad last April – my sister Holly and her boyfriend AJ. This was Holly’s second time visiting… and it won’t be her last! Dun dun dun

Because Holly works in a school, she gets spring break time off, so it is nice to be able to have her out every April (no pressure, Holly!). This year, AJ came along for the ride too. In addition to scenic beach going, we did a brewery tour in Little Italy in downtown San Diego (someone mentioned that AJ is Italian?). So we walked around town drinking beer and topped it off with a little pizza pie on the walk back.

AJ also likes the zoo. So, having lived here almost 2 years and not experiencing the zoo, I figured now was a better time than never! And it is not for the faint of heart. We spent most of the day on our feet scouring the whole park, and were exhausted by the end. My personal favorite: the Galapagos tortoises. AJ’s favorite: panda exhibit. Holly’s favorite: unknown.

Holly & AJ also came during the height of Dave’s lacrosse season, so they were able to watch a good ol’ game of high school lacrosse as well.

Come back soon, Holly & AJ!

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