Happy Holidays

Laura’s first holiday’s in California were obviously a new experience for her. Back east, you get a sense for the approaching holidays just from the weather changing. Here, it’s 70 and sunny and all of sudden middle of November with Thanksgiving a week away. (Okay, maybe Laura had a sense of holidays because of all the shopping deals.) Regardless, we had a blast doing new adventures.

For Thanksgiving, our friends Matt and Brittany invited us over for some turkey and friendship with their family.  Have you ever deep friend a turkey?? We haven’t either so we let Matt handle the duties. He didn’t disappoint.  It won’t be our last time – I’m up for the challenge next year if anyone wants to come visit!


Thank you Matt and Brittany for hosting a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Christmas 2014

Christmas 2015

Christmas Day 2014

What is Christmas like in California you ask? It’s still the same the celebration and feel good feeling, just in a different setting. The picture above says a lot. Surfing, food, drinks, and santa hats on the beach. Our sand is our snow. My sister and boyfriend drove down from Los Angeles to hang out for a few days. It’s hard being away from both our family and friends back home but we were lucky to have these two come hang out with us. They are the best!

Christmas surfing

Christmas surfing

Dbell (Jessica’s boyfriend) put together a phenomenal spread for breakfast. We also made a delicious ham meal. So grown up, kind of. And Laura got to make delicious cookies!



Christmas Dinner. Totally not needed after Dbell’s Breakfast


And yes, of course there are Christmas trees and decorating to be done!

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Can’t wait to see what next Holiday season brings. Cheers!

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