Happy Birthday Dave!!

Love this guy!

Love this guy!


Would everyone please join me in wishing HAPPY BIRTHDAY to this guy right here?

He’s so awesome. Ever since we started planning this road trip, I have felt so badly that we would be traveling for his birthday somewhere in the middle of the country! He just kept assuring me it was no big deal. Well we rang in Dave’s birthday in Vail, CO in an amazing resort and will be continuing the fun on an 8 hour car ride tomorrow to Zion National Park in Utah.

Hey Dave – thanks for sharing all of these new adventures with me and being the greatest road trip partner! I want to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY even though I already told you that in person! I am so glad I get to spend your birthday with you 🙂 Can’t thank you enough for everything!  Hope this is your best year yet! Love, Laura


7 thoughts on “Happy Birthday Dave!!

  1. Gayle says:

    YAYYYY……HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVE…..Road Tripper (and Car Packer) Extraordinaire !!!! Have a great day and a smooth journey to Zion NP. (PS: The blog is amazing… You guys are doing a great job with it! ). Cheers!

    1. Dave says:

      Thanks! We had an awesome hike in Zion. Internet is no bueno here so we’ll update when we can!

  2. Karen says:

    Happy birthday Dave!

  3. Joe says:

    Dave all about the 10 and 2.

    1. Dave says:

      It was a big bridge. I don’t like bridges.

  4. Melissa, Brian and Landon says:

    Hey Guys! First off, happy belated birthday to Dave!! You are doing such an awesome job with this blog! We look forward to reading about your adventures every day. Sounds like you two are having the time of your lives! Keep on updating us!

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