Goodbye NY


All packed up and ready to go!

All packed up and ready to go!

It’s been real, it’s been fun, it’s been real fun. The time has finally come to say goodbye to NY! The past several months with family and friends have been great, and we have had many good times. I am thankful to have such wonderful people in my life! Each and every one of you mean so much to me, and you will be missed. NY has been home for my whole life, but I am excited to be embarking on the next adventure… California!

I also happen to have a really great road trip partner to go on this adventure with! After my indecisiveness of what to take and what to leave, as well as many doubts that everything would fit, Dave was able to successfully fit everything in the car! I have been lucky enough to have him here with me the past month to help with all of the moving details, as well as to enjoy all of the fun times these last few weeks… so BIG thanks to him for everything!

Now let’s get this trip started! I love you all! And come see us on the West Coast 🙂


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