
In January, Dave and I were able to travel to NY for the wedding of my childhood best friend Emily, to her long-time love, Tshepo!

Cake Cutting

Cake Cutting

Emily and I go way back… she and I have been friends for over 20 years! We grew up across the street from one another, played softball together for many years and had many adventures together growing up. Despite being 3000 miles apart and the 3 hour time difference, we are as close as can be, and I love her so much! Her husband Tshepo also grew up down the street from us, and when they started dating 10 years ago it was like a dream come true for them. They are truly a couple who is meant to be! When I got the phone call that Tshepo and Emily had gotten engaged, I was walking in Seaport Village with Dave on my very first trip to San Diego! There was a lot of jumping up and down and screaming with excitement for them. Yes… in public. Sorry, Dave!  I was so honored to be asked to be a part of the wedding, and get to witness these two lovebirds tie the knot. You can see all of the beautiful wedding pictures here Kevin DeMassio Photography because from here on out, you will only be sub-optimal quality iPhone photos 🙂

Sleepy Lo

We took a red-eye into Albany together… and Dave snapped this pic of me actually sleeping on a plane. This is a rare occurrence.

Rehearsal Dinner crew

Rehearsal Dinner crew



With this being my first trip home since I moved, I wanted to be able to see as many people as I could in 3 days! Julia and Jay were going to come up and see us around the wedding festivities but as Emily had some last-minute cancellations, they were able to come join us for the wedding! I am so lucky that my high school best friend and college best friend also love each other!

We tried to sneak in a wedding photo before the reception festivities began… but we got photo bombed!

Groom Photo Bomb

Groom Photo Bomb

We had such a blast at the wedding! Emily did an amazing job of planning… everything was absolutely beautiful and everyone had a great time. It was so great to party with so many friends and family! Everyone had a great time dancing… especially the bride. She is a monster on the dance floor anyways but this time she was totally #BGW (or Bride Gone Wild… as Emily would say!). It’s no secret that Dave loves a good dance party, too. The two of them together are a force to be reckoned with on the dance floor! Tshepo, what are we gonna do with these two?!



Love these two

Love these two

Hey Emily!

Hey Emily! You’re married!

Best wedding selfie. Thanks Jay!

Best wedding selfie. Thanks Jay!

Cheeto Smiles

Late night cheeto smiles with Julia

Congratulations, Emily & Tshepo! We love you so much!

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