Dessert in the Desert


It was a weekend getaway to the desert. Not the sand dunes, all perfectly colored sand you think of normally when you hear desert. Try more like rocks and rocks and cacti and sand. Oh, more rocks too.

Anza Borrego desert is about a 2 hour drive from Carlsbad. We went out for 1 night and returned the next day. I had been camping there 4 years ago so I had an idea of what it was like and where to go. This was Laura’s first time there and I was excited to go back and camp with her.

Setting up the tent!

Setting up the tent!


We set up camp and then went for a mini-hike while the sun was setting. I almost died…



I stepped right in front of this guy…

I hate snakes and just about had a heart attack when I looked down where my foot was and saw this snake just a few inches away. I tried to get Laura to come see it but she had already diverted her path up to the other side of the mountain, probably because of the shriek I let out.

After watching our steps going up, we did find a nice lookout area and snapped a few pics.

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And found a couple odd plants.



When we got back, we made a fire for dinner(bbq chicken) to enjoy a few cold beverages. And of course, S’MORES!


The next day we did some more hiking before heading home for the day. And chef Laura prepared a delicious breakfast.

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