Dave’s Birthday Dinner Question Mark


Birthday Dinner

Dave is working on getting some of the other posts up, so I realize this is out of order but figured I would post anyway. I have felt bad about traveling for his birthday, so I thought hmmm what can we do that’s fun and special to celebrate? I made secret reservations at the Zion Lodge restaurant called the Red Rock Grill. Well things did not go as planned…

Throughout this trip we have become accustomed to reaching our destinations in the cover of darkness. So I thought it was awesome that they took reservations up until 9:45pm. I made the reservation for 9 thinking that we would get in in plenty of time. I had said to Julia the night before, “I really have to keep us on schedule tomorrow because we have dinner reservations!” And she replied that we better not make any beer and cheese stops. That would not be out of character for us! The next morning, Dave was talking about stopping at Arches and not getting to Zion until late… so I had to spill the beans! We got on the road, and after a few unexpected pit-stops for scenic views, we found ourselves way behind schedule. Oops. We were able to change the reservation to 9:45pm. I still thought we would be able to get to the cabin and change into something a little nicer than PJs… but that did not happen. We went straight to dinner after check-in. And we were the only ones there…


Food was OK. We got a very mediocre steak to split…

The garlic mashed potatoes were the favorite for both of us. Yum!


And then Dave decided to read the newspaper during dinner…


Birthday Dinner

JUST KIDDING! He was planning out our hike for the next day!

Oh well! Thanks for the memories, Red Rock Grill! And Happy Birthday Dave!





One thought on “Dave’s Birthday Dinner Question Mark

  1. JULIA says:

    I never heard the update if you had made it on time for the reservation but yay good job guys! You definitely would’ve missed it if you hadn’t told Dave about dinner, Demuth’s are late for every thing 😉

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