Carlsbad To The Bone


Whoa! We made it. Car, clothes, Laura, snacks. All here. We actually made it last week, as you probably know (And yes, I ate all the snacks). Credit goes to Holly ‘Jolly’ for the name of the post.

When I moved from NY to SD, I took a similar roadtrip and viewed it as a once in a lifetime thing. That experience has been the highlight of my life…until now. Little did I know, I would have the opportunity to do it again 5 years later, in the same direction. The adventures, conversations, and excitement we shared together are a new life highlight for me. I have Laura to thank for that.

While the roadtrip is over, we want you to know the blogging is not. This blog was started as a way to update our friends and family on Laura’s move. I’m going to continue blogging and sharing my thoughts on our adventures and invite you to read along and comment as you wish. I know Laura isn’t stopping either.

But first, let me finish summarizing our amazing experience.

Trip was great. Tired. Saw some really cool stuff. Laura is awesome. Boom, done.

Okay, so almost done.

I guess when you reach a destination, it’s time to summarize the best and worst parts.

The Best Part?

The trip was great. Obviously, we saw some wonderful places,  amazing people, and ate delicious food. A lot of it. That’s all awesome and good but the most important thing for me was doing it with Laura and sharing that together. When on opposite sides of the country, it’s a lot harder to do that. So whether it was her face lighting up when her favorite country songs came on in Nashville or the her elation of nature’s beauty in Vail, I experienced it first hand and soaked up every minute of it. That was the best part.

The worst part?

Nothing was awful…well except the cheese farts. No, not mine…Laura’s. But that goes without saying.

I guess probably seeing Laura stress about spending my birthday on the road. She is one of the most selfless people I know and just felt guilty that that the focus was on her moving and not a birthday celebration.

We set it up so we’d be in Zion and without me knowing, she also set up a surprise birthday dinner while on the road.  (Secretly, we were having so much fun I had forgot my birthday was near. #oldman) But after a so-so dinner, she still was a little bummed and thought she failed. Little did she know, I had already got a birthday wish. Her moving here has been the best gift ever!

Best Roadtrip Picture

It occurred in Utah from Vail to Zion. Not a lot of pictures on this post but this is by far my favorite picture of Laura’s move and the road trip. Even better than what we accomplished at Angel’s Landing and the photo’s captured there.

It’s my favorite of mine because Laura didn’t see me taking it… and she hasn’t seen it yet until she reads this. If you look closely, you can saw her in it at bottom center. I captured it on my iPhone as a panorama. It took me 5-7 seconds to capture it and she was still motionless, oblivious to what I was doing.

I was off to the right, photographing the scenery there, when I noticed her just staring out into the openness. (probably thinking, oh my god, what am I doing out here in the middle of no-where). In a way, it symbolizes the roller coaster ride and adventure she’s been on.

Just taking it all in.


The world is your clam shell.
– Emily Ciulia

Laura at View Point Utah


I can’t wait to travel again. With Laura.

2 thoughts on “Carlsbad To The Bone

  1. Sharon says:

    Wow… I have really enjoyed reading your blogs this summer. I am a teacher so I had some extra time for it!! I can’t wait to meet you Dave. It is so obvious through your words how much you care for Laura. That was my favorite part of your journey. My kids want to know what is the longest you were in the car driving? It took us five hours to get home from vacation and they thought that was terrible.
    Have fun!
    Cousin Sharon

    1. Dave says:

      Double that car trip home! I think our drive from Kansas City to Vail was just about 10 hours.

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