Amandrew Wedding in St. Petersburg, FL

imageOne of my beautiful best friends from Binghamton, Amanda Decker, married her long-time love Andrew Palumbo on January 2, 2016 (hey…better a late post then no post at all!) in St. Petersburg, FL! I have had the pleasure of knowing these two for about 10 years. Read more about their wedding adventure here!

I never thought that we would reach a time when all of us lived in different states, but it is here! Amanda is in Florida, Julia is in Connecticut and I’m in California. Despite the distance and time differences, we all have managed to remain close. We get together on Google hangout every few weeks, and of course through the modern technology of Snapchat and Bitmoji, we are able to communicate very well! So of course when Amanda asked Julia and I to be her bridesmaids, we said YES! I won’t even hold it against you that the frame came broken, Amanda 😉

Let me talk for a minute about how much I love these ladies. We’ve been friends for 10 years, and wow what a 10 years it has been! We’ve gone through the crazy college years, and the crazier post-college years together. Although we couldn’t be close in physical distance, we are as close as can be. These girls can brighten up any bad day that I am having. We can have conversations with emojis alone and know exactly what we are talking about. I love you both so much from bottom of my heart, and can’t wait to see what the next 10 years has in store for us!

Julia and I (and Dave and Jordy, too!) ventured down to St. Petersburg a few days early to be able to do some bachelorette celebrations with Amanda. This was baby Jordy’s first plane ride! He was a little over 2 months old at the time, and none of us knew what to expect when it came to flying with a baby. He crushed it! His mom, uncle and aunt, however… well we were a nervous wreck! First, we had some difficulties with not being able to get the stroller to fold up. While Julia and Dave frantically tried to collapse it, I did my auntly duties of holding baby Jordy. The TSA agent proceed to yell (twice!) “LADY WITH THE BABY!” trying to get me to go through the scanner. Sir… this is not my baby. Once we got on the plane, Jordy went right to sleep! He barely woke up to eat once, and then we were in St. Pete!

After the bachelorette celebrations, it was time for the rehearsal dinner and big day!

Beautiful Bride!

The day went absolutely beautifully, and it was wonderful to spend some great time with old friends!

Now time to take a brief hiatus from attending weddings 🙂

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